Inside Vineyland
Inside Vineyland
Lauren Weinstein
A Xeric Grant Recipient! The long-anticipated graphic collection from Lauren R. Weinstein is finally here! INSIDE VINEYLAND contains 40 of Weinstein's finest works, many originally published in Seattle's legendary STRANGER. Each comic is just one page long - perfect for the bathroom, the subway, or watching TV. You will be amazed by such mind-blowing classics as 'The Bird War' and 'The Manic Depressive Dogs.' You will be embarrassed by the 'Wacky Packages'-inspired ad, 'Charmley: For Your Poor Ass.' You will ask 'Huh?' in wonder as you gaze at 'Self-Visualization Activities.' An extended bonus story is also included, telling of a robot's troubled quest for love as he's torn between his lust for electrical devices and his duty to serve humans!