65 Bugs
65 Bugs
Dean Sudarsky
Entropy Editions
Micro meditations on the brevity, absurdity, & futility of existence as told through vignettes of humanoid insects going about their daily lives, Sudarsky's 65 Bugs conveys in a small collection of strips what many celebrated graphic novelists take hundreds of pages to get across.
Dean Sudarsky is a cartoonist and educator living in Providence, RI. Holding an MFA from the Center for Cartoon Studies, he's become a frequent letterer for various key translated works published by the New York Review Comics for authors such as Blutch, Tadao Tsuge, Marion Fayolle, and Edmond Baudoin. In addition to multiple self-published comics and anthology pieces, he's also worked with the George Wiley Center & The Creative Independent.
Printed at Peak in St. Paul, MN
8 pages
Single color spot offset on fuse green 70lb stock
October 2020